Thursday, April 9, 2015

CQ5 : Nothing Showing in CRXDE Lite


When working on a CQ5 project for a client that involves multiple development environments, I came across an issue on some of the dev servers. For most of them, logging into CRXDE Lite gave me the full tree of the JCR repository. On a couple of others, CRXDE Lite displayed nothing more than the root node.


Viewing the error.log gave me this error:
28.01.2013 23:02:35.405 *INFO* [ [1359414155401] GET /crx/server/crx.default/jcr%3aroot/.1.json HTTP/1.1] service: Resource /crx/server/crx.default/jcr:root/.1.json not found

After asking around, I discovered that CRXDE Lite used WebDAV in order to communicate with the JCR. After checking the CQ5 OSGi console, I saw that the following bundles were not running:

Apache Sling DavEx Access to repositories
Apache Sling Simple WebDAV Access to repositories

After starting these two bundles and refreshing CRXDE Lite, all was well again.

CRXDE Lite with WebDAV on

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